Run the Race

Lately, I have felt like I’ve been running a race … no, more like sprinting. Kind of like on a treadmill and the setting is on way too fast of a speed and my legs are being forced to run so fast that I feel like at any moment, if I just lose focus for even one second, I will face-plant (with violent force haha!) into the floor.

I’m so there.

Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. {Hebrews 12:1-2 MSG}

It’s a fun race that I’m in right now – but still a lot to do. I get one thing crossed of a to-do list but then 3 more things get added. Life has a funny way of doing that … but at least you’re making strides to the finish line instead of going back to the start.

The only way to effectively run our race is to keep our eyes on Jesus. Don’t take your eyes off. There will be plenty of distractions in life but they will not get you anywhere. Sometimes God will bring a sin into the light so that we can take care of it. It’s like running a race with backpack with heavy weights. It’s heavy and weighs you down. It holds you back from the destiny God has for you. It’s like a parasite that drains you of energy, focus and joy.

Sometimes God brings relationships to light that need to be re-evaluated. Are they life-bringing or life-sucking? Do they encourage and push you towards the finish line? Or do they pull you back or even distract you from the race with their constant drama, causing you to face-plant or go off course?

Sometimes God might be gently convicting us of things that we go to before we go to Him. Maybe social media is our distraction, or TV, or material things.

Be aware and listen to what God is speaking about these distractions. He is there to help us along the way, to guide us and lead the way. Strip off the distractions! What are you put on earth to do? Focus on those things and get rid of the rest.

Finish Strong!


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