
Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus


What would we see if we could see through the eyes of Jesus? Such a perspective would be more than enlightening; it would be powerful.

What would we see if we could see through the eyes of Jesus?

Such a perspective would be more than enlightening. It would be powerful. Could we handle more than a mere glimpse? Better yet, could we fully comprehend the truth without the filtering of the Holy Spirit?

No wonder He must teach us.

No wonder He must open our eyes.

“Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him and He began to teach them…” Matthew 5: 1-2 NIV

We see the poor in spirit.

He sees the kingdom of heaven in them.

We see the tears of the mournful.

He sees the joy of their comfort.

We see the meek.

He sees them inheriting the earth.

We see those hungering and thirsting for righteousness.

He sees the satisfaction of their filling in the fullness of God.

We see the touch of the merciful.

He touches mercy on their soul.

He sees the pure in heart and observes the pure joy of knowing God.

He sees the peacemakers and calls them sons of God.

He knows the anguish of the persecuted and feels the joy of their inheritance – the kingdom of heaven.

What our Lord Jesus knows, feels and sees is beyond our comprehension – impossible for this finite mind.

We cannot see through the eyes of Jesus, but He doesn't leave us blind – He doesn't leave us ignorant.

With open eyes we are blessed.

With a teachable spirit we are refreshed.

With a yielded heart we are comforted.

With burning hearts we know.

With burning hearts we know Him.

With burning hearts we know Him in the fullness of His Word.

In the drawing near our eyes are opened.

“Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven… Matthew 5:12a NIV

And when He called unto Him His twelve disciples He gave…Matthew 10:1a KJV

Notice how our perspective changes when we see the Giver and not what is given?

Are you weary? He gives rest.

Are you worried? He gives peace.

Are you weak? He gives strength.

Are you at the end of your rope? He gives hope.


Come with open arms.

Come and see the Author and Finisher of your faith.

We will never see from the eyes of God until our yielded hearts beat in unison with His own.

Blessed are those touched by the pierced hands of Love.

Comfort. Comfort. Comfort.

He gives Himself and in the giving of Himself we see, know and feel the fullness of faith.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

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