Sin Saddens Love

Love does not delight in evil (1 Corinthians 13:6).

It breaks the heart of love to see sin break the heart of God. Love may warn a loved one of sin’s snare, but if his or her choice is to continue in unseemly behavior, the evil effects are vexing. Love for the Lord feeds fear of the Lord. A heart of holiness flows from a faith that fears God. There is a respectful and reverent attitude that accompanies disciples of Jesus who are deeply in love with Him. The righteous disdain evil like a cancer to the soul. There is no delight in doing wrong.

Have you cracked the door of your life to sin that’s crouching outside ready to slither in? If so, slam it shut, because of your love and loyalty is to the Lord. Do not succumb to unfaithfulness to your Savior Jesus, your jealous groom. Yes, God’s grace will allow you back into His good graces, but do not stray in the first place. Show Him your sincerity by not being captivated by sin’s sirens. Because you love God, you are able to love what He loves and hate what He hates.

If you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it (Genesis 4:7).

A husband and wife who embrace loving accountability enjoy delighting in the Lord and delighting in each other. As married couples we are committed to a covenant love relationship that only flirts with each other and not another. The mutual fidelity in our relationship contributes to a loving simplicity and avoids the drama-filled complexities of infidelity. Sin complicates.

Lastly, make sure your love for the Lord motivates your other relationships. The deeper you fall in love with Jesus, the further away you will run from temptations and sin’s allure. Every day with Jesus does become sweeter than the day before. The evidence that you love Christ is you obey Christ. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and then doing the right thing. Therefore, run from wrong and walk with the Lord in a loving relationship. Love delights in doing right.

If you love me [Jesus], keep my commands (John 14:15)

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