
Skewed View of God


Many of us have a skewed view of God. Why not renew your mind to the truth about your Father?

"…God is love." 1 John 4:8, AMP

I grew up thinking God was a harsh judge. I was sure He was watching my life from His heavenly throne and ready to bop me the minute I got out of line. I don’t remember anyone telling me these things, it’s just the concept I had. It took many years to get my mind renewed, and my heart responsive to the truth of how God has revealed Himself in His Word. Through Jesus, the Father has revealed Himself as a God of love, mercy, kindness, patience and goodness. 

How about you? What’s your view of God? I’ve discovered that many people have difficulty seeing and experiencing our Father as Jesus revealed Him – the God who is love. Depending upon our childhood experiences or religious background, we may have a skewed view of God. In addition, we have an enemy, the devil, who works over time to accuse us, condemn us and make us feel unworthy of God’s love. He wants to separate us from the Lord, so he endeavors to convince us that the Lord is mad at us, disappointed with us, angry towards us and barely tolerant of our existence.

The truth is, God is not the harsh, angry, mean taskmaster we’ve believed Him to be. On the contrary, He’s revealed Himself as love.

God is love. God is everything love is. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love keeps no record of wrong. Love barely notices a suffered wrong. Love believes the best. Love never fails. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for a refresher on what love is – our Father is all of that and more. God is kind. He is rich in mercy. He is gracious. He is patient. He is good.

Someone might say, “Yeah, but what about the judgment side of God? God hates sin, you know? You can’t just lean on God’s love and goodness! You better be on your toes.” It’s true; the Bible says that we are to behold the “goodness and severity of God.”
(Romans 11:22, NASB) Thankfully, because of the cross of Jesus Christ, God’s severe judgment fell on Jesus when He took our place and experienced the full wrath of God for sin. Those who reject and disregard Jesus will have to pay the penalty for their own sin and they will experience the severity of God. But, those who believe, receive and follow Jesus can look forward to goodness and mercy following them all the days of their lives!

God is love. He loves you! Why not renew your mind to the truth about your Father? Let’s receive His love today and pray that He helps us to experience the length, depth, breadth and height of His love in a new and fresh way!

Say It: “Father, I believe You are love. Because of the cross of Jesus Christ, I am able to receive Your love toward me on a daily basis. I pray that You help me experience the length, breadth, depth and height of your love for me. I love You because You first loved me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen”

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