
Spirit Power


The Spirit works in you to give you clarity of mind, courage of heart, and boldness of vision.

One of the things I appreciate about the Bible is its honesty about its heroes and main characters. Noah, Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon were great men but also sometimes great fools. The four gospels that tell the life of Christ are also brutally honest about the foolish things Jesus’ disciples said and did during their three-year training course.

But they learned, matured, and grew up. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to take the message about Christ’s person and work, bring it to people one by one, and patiently plant and grow faith where there had been confusion and unbelief and doubt.

Jesus promised his disciples a great outpouring of the Spirit:  “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you”(John 14:25,26).

With the Spirit’s help and coaching and power, Jesus’ teachings finally made sense to them. With the Spirit’s encouragement, they shed their doubts and fear and became bold witnesses to the truth. With the Spirit’s guidance, they carried out Jesus’ commission to bring good news of forgiveness and immortality to the ends of the earth. That same Spirit works in you too—to give you clarity of mind, courage of heart, and boldness of vision.


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