
Temple Maintenance


Understanding that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, Lori Dixon encourages us to take care of all the blessings the Lord has given us starting with ourselves.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV)

A few years ago, I started to have serious lung issues and grew weaker and sicker. Unable to climb more than eight stairs at a time, in a townhouse that boasts thirty-three stairs, it was a struggle.

Thankfully I found healing but not until thirty pounds found me.

Now finally able to walk up stairs and even play tennis, I have been trying to drop the unwanted weight but with slow and little success. When faced with what seems an impossible task, a wise person should open the Word and see what it says.

For me, I understand that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I should be taking care of all the blessings the Lord has given me. Which means I need to take care of me, and that begins with not losing weight . . . but finding my identity.

Who we are in Christ is where any ‘self-improvement’ needs to start. Because it’s not about what number a scale screams at us, or what number is on the tag of our clothes, but who we are in Christ . . . that we have been bought with his blood and that He loves us!

We need to stop flogging ourselves for who we aren't and to start praising and thanking the Lord for who we are. After all, it’s much easier to do good to those we like – and so we need to start liking ourselves! It’s the first step towards becoming the healthy person we were designed to be.

Lord, forgive us for being so self-absorbed and for setting our eyes on ourselves instead of on You. Help us to learn to define our worth not by Hollywood standards, but by who You've called us to be. 

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