The Mind of Christ

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)

What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? Even though Jesus was God, He humbled Himself, became a servant, and obeyed even to death.

It’s important to see that Scripture instructs us to have the mind of Christ and the humble attitude of a servant. God’s grace is given to those who exhibit humility through their attitudes, words, and actions.

The Lord Jesus experienced humility in rank, because He left the heavens and came to Earth as a man. He remained humble throughout the disbelief, accusations, and physical pain associated with His trial and crucifixion.

Most of us have been humbled in specific circumstances; however, being humble is an act of our own will and occurs when we voluntarily serve others. Usually we prefer to be served and may even feel deserving, but this is when we don’t have the mind of Christ.

Just as Jesus humbled Himself to do the will of the Father, we are to humble ourselves in obedience to God’s will.

Having the mind of Christ is not a mystical experience; it is the humble act of an obedient servant.

Think of times when you definitely have not had the mind of Christ. You might want to list them. Then ask for forgiveness for those times.

Daily Scripture Reading: Job 4 - 7

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