The Mountaintop Experience

For He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased."  (2 Peter 1:17 NIV)

Peter remembered the time on the mountain with Jesus like no other time in his life. It had become a passion for him, giving him courage to face the trials of life, because he knew that he would one day see his Jesus again, face to face.

Imagine the thrill in Peter's heart when he heard God's praise of Jesus. Sure he had seen Jesus perform miracles, he had even walked on water with Jesus, but to Peter, Jesus was also a good friend. Together they had no doubt fished, shared a few laughs, hung out with friends, attended a wedding, and fed a few thousand people. Peter knew Jesus was special, but now, here was God, the Creator, speaking from Heaven, assigning glory and honor to Peter's good friend Jesus. In the Old Testament days, very few had ever heard God's voice, now Peter not only hears God, but his friend gets the nod of approval! Do you think Peter respected Jesus a bit more from that day forward?

That mountaintop experience changed Peter forever. So much was the change that Peter wants you and I today to know that Jesus is worthy of all your trust! Take it from Peter. He has seen the end, and it looks good!

It looks real good!

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