The Origin of Faith

Faith begins with the voice of God. He impregnates you with promise, giving you certainty about what He wants to do, but not how He will do it. Your job is to obey moment by moment. Say what He tells you to say and do what He tells you to do. God has designed faith to work this way. This moment by moment following will require you to form a desperate dependence on God, clinging to Him and looking to Him every second.

Its not that you are growing in faith, as we often say, but that faith is growing in you. Your enemy is part of God’s plan for growing faith in you. Everything your enemy tries can backfire on him and can deepen and strengthen your faith. That’s what God uses him for.

Don’t let your enemy convince you that he has power over you. He does not. He only has the illusion of power. He postures and lies and deceives. He wants to entice you or bully you out of the realm of faith into the realm of fear and feelings. He wants to convince you to compromise—to obey, sort of. To half obey.

Faith is more than how you deal with certain promises. It is a continual interaction with the spiritual realm. "My righteous one will live by faith" (Heb. 10:38, my emphasis). Faith is not a feeling you are required to stir up. Faith is not a static attendance to a set of theological beliefs. Faith is not something you get out and dust off when you want something from God. Faith is a way of living. Until it becomes a way of living, it will not have its full effect. Faith is obeying the present-tense voice of the Father. Faith is not believing something. Faith is believing Someone.

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