The Perfect Rose

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” James 1:17.

When my sister died, my precious cousin gave all of us a rose bush after the funeral. The following spring I couldn’t wait to see the beautiful blooms and wasn’t disappointed. The first bloom that appeared was on the morning of my sister’s birthday.  I couldn’t have anticipated what an amazing blessing this rose bush could be…but God could.  You see, since that day over four years ago, when she lost her earthly battle but gained her spiritual destiny, the first bloom every year has been on her birthday…now that is good and that is perfect

The translation for perfect in our verse means ‘which has achieved or reached its goal, objective, purpose.’ It is a perfect gift because of its beautiful achievement to bloom, marking a very important day of remembrance.  It reaches God’s goal for me every year…to remind me that He is in complete control and is faithful in watching over me.  ‘God’s gifts are given with goals.  They’re perfect because they’re perfecting.  They don’t just give today.  They give toward every tomorrow.’ James – Beth Moore, p. 62.

The key to gratitude is to know that everything that flows into our lives were gifts to begin with – not something owed to us.  We are not entitled to God’s best but He is committed to working His best in our lives.  Death tends to make us focus on the thorns instead of the beauty of the rose.  I know that while Beth’s journey seemed cut short to us it was the perfect and divine plan of her Father in Heaven. It was the great and perfect gift for her as her life had achieved what God had desired. But God doesn’t leave us alone in our suffering but sends roses where there is sadness and beautiful fullness where there is emptiness.  It is our responsibility to recognize the good and perfect gifts.

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