


What are you trusting in today? Don't put your trust in useless idols.

Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. (1 Samuel 12:21 NIV)

Do you know why you don't trust useless idols? Because they are useless!

I love it when the Bible provides its own commentary. Samuel wanted God's people to follow God alone. He wanted them to give up their "useless" idols. He needed to explain to them why his recommendation (and God's command) was so important. So, why did Samuel say the Israelites shouldn't follow useless idols? Because useless idols are useless! Any questions?

Superstitions are not practiced in our home. "As for me and my household we will serve the Lord." To find success in what we are attempting, we don't cross our fingers, we don't knock on wood, and we don't wish each other "good luck". We are trusting in the Sovereign hand of God to plan our ways. When God is in control of your life, you don't need any other assistance than what He provides! What are you trusting in to get you through this life?

I'm reminded of the time Paul went into a city. (Acts 17) He said he saw idols to gods all around. They probably had a god of the sun, a god of the moon, and a god of the rain. Most likely there was a god of fertility, a god of prosperity, and a god of victory. What amazed Paul was that they even had an idol with the inscription "To An Unknown God". In other words, they didn't want to miss one.

What are you trusting in today? Are you trusting in your bank account? Your health? Your status? Your degree? Your relationships? When you are attempting something in life, what do you depend on to help you? If it is anything other than the God who created the Heavens and the earth, you are wasting your trust! Only in Him can you find the real assurance of Victory. The Bible says you can't have more than one idol. One of them will get in the way of the other. So, which one will it be?

Any idol, other than Jesus, is useless. Why, because it is useless, that's why!

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