
What Is God Thinking? Ask the Holy Spirit


If you want to explore the full potential of the new life you now have in Jesus, then ask God. He has given you His own Spirit as an ever-present guide to the mind of God.

I often remember as a teenager hearing from my parents this classic question: “What were you thinking?!?” You with me? The problem was often that I didn’t really know what I was thinking when I did the dumb thing that sparked the question to begin with, so my answer was almost always, “Ummm, I don’t know.”

Here’s another question: What is God thinking? As a matter of theological grounding, we need to understand that God doesn’t just predict the future, He writes it and knows it intimately. So it isn’t as though anything takes God by surprise. Nonetheless, as we live along the continuum of time, God is said to be thinking things about us. He is dreaming, in a sense, of what we can be when we fully give ourselves over to Him in our relationship with Jesus.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what God is thinking about you? When you’re at a loss? When you don’t know what’s next or why you’re going through your current circumstances?

God doesn’t owe us any explanations and often chooses to leave us in moments of complete mystery for our own good and for His glory. But He has chosen to gift us with His constant guiding presence through the Holy Spirit. The Bible says this about Him…

And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. - 1 Corinthians 2:12 (NLT)

If you want to explore the full potential of the new life you now have in Jesus, ask God, who has given you His own Spirit as an ever-present guide to the mind of God concerning you. What’s He thinking? Ask Him.

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