
What is the Gospel Really About?


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about how to LIVE on planet earth as God’s agents of transformation.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about how to escape this awful, sin-filled world.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about how to LIVE on planet earth as God’s agents of transformation.

Don't get me wrong. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord in heaven (2 Cor. 5:8). But God’s goal is to restore heaven on earth (Matthew 6:10); that’s what the Garden of Eden was about, perfect shalom between God, man, and creation. One day that will happen again (Rev. 21:1-4). God’s people, with glorified resurrected bodies, will live eternally on planet earth.

Marinate on this: according to Dr. John Bryson, 25 of 27 NT books make mention of the Church as a family and 44% of all NT letters are on how to get along with each other.

Until that day, the church, not buildings, but people united to Jesus are on Jesus’ mission to invite humanity into the abundant life He offers in His Kingdom.

Jesus says He came to give abundant live (John 10:10).

Abundant life means His very life becomes ours. Do not read over that too fast. Let it sink in.

His uncreated, unending, all powerful Life becomes the Source of our life on earth.

Jesus is the blueprint for God’s design for His humanity. In Jesus, God the Father creates a new humanity that develops a new society on earth, which is commissioned with the mission of bringing a little of heaven to earth on earth (Ephesians 2:15; Matthew 28:18-20).


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