Where Should I Go, God?

Here are some prayers to guide you through your college search.

I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance. (Psalm 143:8)

We beseech you, O Lord, to enlighten our minds and strengthen our wills, that we may know what we ought to do, and be enabled to do it, through the grace of your most Holy Spirit, and for the merits of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. —William Bright 1824-1901 British professor of church history

God, I want thy guidance and direction in all I do. Let thy wisdom counsel me, thy hand lead me, and thine arm support me. I put myself into thy hands. —Ashton Oxenden 1808-1892 Canadian Bishop for the Anglican Church

O Lord, you know what is best for me. Let this or that be done, as you wish. —Thomas ÿ Kempis 1380?-1471 German writer of devotional works

Father, you have promised to guide us when we are truly humble and dependent on you. You have promised to give wisdom generously to those who feel their lack of it. We come to you as your children asking for a Father's wise prompting as we wonder what course to take. Lead us in the right path, so that our lives may bring glory and honor to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. —no attribution printed in The Doubleday Prayer Collection

Grant me, I beseech thee, almighty and merciful God, fervently to desire, wisely to search out, truly to acknowledge, and perfectly to fulfill, all that is well-pleasing to thee. —Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 Italian theologian and philosopher

Open our hearts, O Lord, and enlighten our minds by the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may seek what is well-pleasing to your will; and so order our doings after your commandments. —Bede 673?-735 Anglo-Saxon historian

Lord, thou knowest what I want,

if it be thy will that I have it,

and if it be not thy will,

good Lord, do not be displeased,

for I want nothing

which you do not want.

—Julian of Norwich 1342-1416 British writer of devotional works

You said to me, "I will point out the road that you should follow." (Psalm 32:8 (CEV))

You are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path. (Psalm 143:10)

Sources: The Doubleday Prayer Collection (Doubleday), 2000 Years of Classic Christian Prayers (Orbis), The Complete Book of Christian Prayers (Continuum) and the Bible (Contemporary English Version) and (New International Version).


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