Today’s Reading: Numbers 15  

Key Verse: Numbers 15:41

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God.

Religion vs. relationship. There is a very big difference. Jesus brought us into a living and loving connection with God. The Pharisees, one of the denominations within Judaism, is still present. This movement, according to Jesus, practiced an intricate observance of a multitude of details. We might do well to read now Matthew 23. According to Jesus, the Scribes and Pharisees claimed to “sit in Moses’ seat.” Today’s reading from Moses would’ve made them feel so “holier than thou.” Moses wrote of the man who died from stoning. Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone” (John 8:7). Read what James, first pastor of the Jerusalem church, wrote what true religion is in James 1:26-27.  


I’m ever so thankful, Lord Jesus, for the “great exchange” as Martin Luther put it. I have given You my sin in confession and repentance, and You have put Your holiness, Your righteousness, on my account with God. Please give me Your grace so that I may live in a constant state of repentance and, as a result, a consistent assurance of my salvation. You’ve given me peace and joy. I’m eternally grateful. Amen! 


I don’t mean to put down “religion.” The word comes from the same root word as “ligament.” Those are essential in order to keep our body together. I sought to identify what “religion” is in a presentation I made to the Canadian Radio and Television Commission a number of years ago. That hearing resulted in Crossroads being granted licenses for TV stations. “One’s religion,” I said, “is what a person holds as their highest value in life.” If that is true, James, who was also known as “the brother of our Lord,” nailed it right on. Perhaps we could sum it up with the WWJD campaign, What Would Jesus Do? What would He say and do with the man picking up sticks on the Sabbath in today’s reading? I’m thinking about it. I think He would probably lend him a hand. Jesus changes everything.

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