You Need Jesus to Find Freedom From Sin

For the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23 NIV)

You and I deserve hell. Our sins, and we all have them, provided only one alternative in the mind of God. A Holy God cannot allow a sinful man into His presence. End of story.

As I have shared the gospel with people in the past, I have told them about the depth of God's love; that He loves us so much. We are in fact His greatest creation. He couldn't stop loving us, even if He tried.

I like to share with them that God is perfectly Holy. In Him there is no sin. Because of that fact, God cannot allow sin into His presence.

I also tell them that God created us to live in harmony with Him, but having the opportunity to make choices for ourselves, man chose to sin, which separated man from God.

God said clearly in the beginning that since sin could not be in His presence, and since He is the Creator of life, life would have to end if sin entered into our lives. And, you know the story, sin did enter our life! Man is a sinner, and so, man is sentenced to have life end.

Then I share with them a statement something like this: "This would be a sad story if it were left like this, wouldn't it?" Then, of course, I share with them the good news of Jesus Christ.

You need Jesus in your life to be saved from eternal death!

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